1. I have 2 undergrad degrees...BS in Exercise Science and BS in Nursing.
2. I work 12 hour shifts starting at 7pm.
3. I have a wonderful, talented, beautiful 3 year old daughter.
4. Our family has agreed that being an only child can be cool.
5. Our family my grow one day to include an adopted child.
6. My husband is in the Army.
7. We have live in Savannah, GA, Columbus, GA Oahu, HI, and Monterey, CA in the last 7 years.
8. I have lived 14 months apart from my husband.
9. My cats are over 10 years old.
10. My cats have topped the scales at 15 pounds each.
11. We have a 80lb lap dog.
12. My parents divorced when I was 20 years old.
13. I love being a nurse.
14. My favorite holidays are Christmas and Halloween.
15. I love my birthday.
16. I love to plan parties.
17. Chris and I have been to Disney 4 times since we have been together.
18. Chris and I were married 364 day after we started dating.
19. I am a big kid at heart.
20. I married a bigger kid at heart then me.
21. I had an imaginary friend named Theresa when I was a kid.
22. I love the beach.
23. I love the hot humid weather.
24. Shopping for bargains is one of my favorite past times.
25. Taking photos is another past time I enjoy.
26. I am a meat and potato gal.
27. I eat my noodles without sauce.
28. I love desserts, especially chocolate.
29. Diet cherry coke is my caffeine of choice.
30. I can drink wine and beer.
31. I watch college sports.
32. My favorite TV shows are How I Met Your Mother, ER, Army Wives, My name is Earl, and Lipstick Jungle.
33. I still watch re-runs of Golden Girls, Will and Grace, Seinfield, and Friends.
32. The one reality show I like is Amazing Race.
33. I don't like to read.
34. I love learning.
35. I rarely wear makeup.
36. I am a morning person.
37. I don't snooze my alarm clock.
38. I dress up for Halloween.
39. I can't wait to retirement to travel.
40. I actually like to move every few years..
41. I like to watch movies in the comfort of my own home.
42. Sushi, Italian and Mexican food are my favorite out to eat foods.
43. I don't get to see my friends from home but I keep up with them over the Internet.
44. I am addicted to email, I check it frequently throughout the day.
45. I really love my blackberry.
46. I look forward to moving
47. I love to dress up for an occasion, every other day casual, comfortable clothes.
48. I believe in soul mates.
49. I also believe in Karma.
50. I don't know how I lived with DVR.
51. I do SUDOKU.
52. I play bunco when I can.
53. I am a daddy's girl.
54. I can run off of very little sleep.
55. I used to teach 16 hours of aerobics a week.
56. I am learning to ski.
57. I see myself in my daughter.
58. Massages are my self indulgence.
59. I miss places I have been.
60. I believe that our next duty station will be D.C.
61. I am horrible at saying goodbye.
62. I am very emotional person.
63. My nickname was Mel Sue.
64. Secretly, I am a democrat
65. I hate my handwriting.
66. I hate my hand and fingernail and I am jealous of other's.
67. I drive a BMW 530i.
68. My daughter likes for me and daddy to drive fast.
69. As a family we dance around our living room.
70. I still like to do the electric slide.
71. I am not a fan of big crowds.
72. I would love to live in a big city for about a year.
73. Pottery Barn is my favorite magazine.
74. I hate doing laundry.
75. I always wanted to be a professional chef.
76. I always wanted my husband to become a massage therapist.
77. I have gotten the flu shot the last 5 years.
78. I don't smoke.
79. I have to sleep with some sort of noise (i.e., the TV, a fan)
80. Wondering if I will ever finish this list.
81. Thinking I take on more then I should.
82. Work well under stress.
83. I think I can finish the list.
84. I haven't been back home in over 2 years.
85. I have a semi photographic memory.
86. I am a planner.
87. I have no idea how to fix a computer.
88. I don't like conflict.
89. I stand up for what I believe in.
90. My grandmother was the only person who call me Missy.
91. I take my decoration down quickly after a holiday.
92. We still have a VCR and watch old disney movies on it.
93. Would do anything for a my family.
94. Will only fill up my tank in the car half way because I get bored pumping gas.
95. I consider myself low maintenance kind of gal.
96. I wear make up probably once or twice a month.
97. I see myself becoming my parents.
98. I think I have a slight case of OCD.
99. Believe that others should try to list 100 things about themselves.
100. I am happy to be done!