Yes my baby is turning 3. I can't beleive how much this year she has grown. I know the first year is suppose to be the fastest growth time however, this year she has grown into a little girl which has be a big step. No more baby for Ashlyn, she is my "big little girl." She has accomplished more then I can have ever imagine. She as also filled our life to the brim. We love you Ashlyn.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
My Baby is Turning 3!!!!
Yes my baby is turning 3. I can't beleive how much this year she has grown. I know the first year is suppose to be the fastest growth time however, this year she has grown into a little girl which has be a big step. No more baby for Ashlyn, she is my "big little girl." She has accomplished more then I can have ever imagine. She as also filled our life to the brim. We love you Ashlyn.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Fall Family Update
I haven't been able to update my blog due to time restraints in my life. I started my last blog some time ago and unable to finish for at least a month. So what has been so hectic in my life.....
I blame it on the holidays. Work was extremely busy, my social and family schedule were out of control, planning for the upcoming trips (some fun, some business, and some mandated), and any other task that might arise. Some things are starting to wrap up and within a week or so we should just be focused on the holidays.
Halloween was a great time. Ashlyn was a princess, a pirate, Tinkerbell, a witch and a black cat. We celebrated the holiday in style with a dinner event at the aquarium, a party at her preschool and not just one but two block parties. I can say it was a great time and hopefully soon the candy will be gone from our house.
I have been reflecting at this time last year. My baby was only turning 2, now I am planning her 3 year old party. I am feeling old. Maybe that is why life seem to be getting busy, my age is starting to show and I am slowing down. I believe that is only because I am feeling old. I have things plan to make my life young again. Hopefully a quick trip to Disney and Seaworld will turn it around. I should be back to being a spring chicken in no time. I will keep you updated.
I blame it on the holidays. Work was extremely busy, my social and family schedule were out of control, planning for the upcoming trips (some fun, some business, and some mandated), and any other task that might arise. Some things are starting to wrap up and within a week or so we should just be focused on the holidays.
Halloween was a great time. Ashlyn was a princess, a pirate, Tinkerbell, a witch and a black cat. We celebrated the holiday in style with a dinner event at the aquarium, a party at her preschool and not just one but two block parties. I can say it was a great time and hopefully soon the candy will be gone from our house.
I have been reflecting at this time last year. My baby was only turning 2, now I am planning her 3 year old party. I am feeling old. Maybe that is why life seem to be getting busy, my age is starting to show and I am slowing down. I believe that is only because I am feeling old. I have things plan to make my life young again. Hopefully a quick trip to Disney and Seaworld will turn it around. I should be back to being a spring chicken in no time. I will keep you updated.
Friday, October 24, 2008
My friend sent me 100 Fun Facts about herself and family. I thought I would do the same:
1. I have 2 undergrad degrees...BS in Exercise Science and BS in Nursing.
2. I work 12 hour shifts starting at 7pm.
3. I have a wonderful, talented, beautiful 3 year old daughter.
4. Our family has agreed that being an only child can be cool.
5. Our family my grow one day to include an adopted child.
6. My husband is in the Army.
7. We have live in Savannah, GA, Columbus, GA Oahu, HI, and Monterey, CA in the last 7 years.
8. I have lived 14 months apart from my husband.
9. My cats are over 10 years old.
10. My cats have topped the scales at 15 pounds each.
11. We have a 80lb lap dog.
12. My parents divorced when I was 20 years old.
13. I love being a nurse.
14. My favorite holidays are Christmas and Halloween.
15. I love my birthday.
16. I love to plan parties.
17. Chris and I have been to Disney 4 times since we have been together.
18. Chris and I were married 364 day after we started dating.
19. I am a big kid at heart.
20. I married a bigger kid at heart then me.
21. I had an imaginary friend named Theresa when I was a kid.
22. I love the beach.
23. I love the hot humid weather.
24. Shopping for bargains is one of my favorite past times.
25. Taking photos is another past time I enjoy.
26. I am a meat and potato gal.
27. I eat my noodles without sauce.
28. I love desserts, especially chocolate.
29. Diet cherry coke is my caffeine of choice.
30. I can drink wine and beer.
31. I watch college sports.
32. My favorite TV shows are How I Met Your Mother, ER, Army Wives, My name is Earl, and Lipstick Jungle.
33. I still watch re-runs of Golden Girls, Will and Grace, Seinfield, and Friends.
32. The one reality show I like is Amazing Race.
33. I don't like to read.
34. I love learning.
35. I rarely wear makeup.
36. I am a morning person.
37. I don't snooze my alarm clock.
38. I dress up for Halloween.
39. I can't wait to retirement to travel.
40. I actually like to move every few years..
41. I like to watch movies in the comfort of my own home.
42. Sushi, Italian and Mexican food are my favorite out to eat foods.
43. I don't get to see my friends from home but I keep up with them over the Internet.
44. I am addicted to email, I check it frequently throughout the day.
45. I really love my blackberry.
46. I look forward to moving
47. I love to dress up for an occasion, every other day casual, comfortable clothes.
48. I believe in soul mates.
49. I also believe in Karma.
50. I don't know how I lived with DVR.
51. I do SUDOKU.
52. I play bunco when I can.
53. I am a daddy's girl.
54. I can run off of very little sleep.
55. I used to teach 16 hours of aerobics a week.
56. I am learning to ski.
57. I see myself in my daughter.
58. Massages are my self indulgence.
59. I miss places I have been.
60. I believe that our next duty station will be D.C.
61. I am horrible at saying goodbye.
62. I am very emotional person.
63. My nickname was Mel Sue.
64. Secretly, I am a democrat
65. I hate my handwriting.
66. I hate my hand and fingernail and I am jealous of other's.
67. I drive a BMW 530i.
68. My daughter likes for me and daddy to drive fast.
69. As a family we dance around our living room.
70. I still like to do the electric slide.
71. I am not a fan of big crowds.
72. I would love to live in a big city for about a year.
73. Pottery Barn is my favorite magazine.
74. I hate doing laundry.
75. I always wanted to be a professional chef.
76. I always wanted my husband to become a massage therapist.
77. I have gotten the flu shot the last 5 years.
78. I don't smoke.
79. I have to sleep with some sort of noise (i.e., the TV, a fan)
80. Wondering if I will ever finish this list.
81. Thinking I take on more then I should.
82. Work well under stress.
83. I think I can finish the list.
84. I haven't been back home in over 2 years.
85. I have a semi photographic memory.
86. I am a planner.
87. I have no idea how to fix a computer.
88. I don't like conflict.
89. I stand up for what I believe in.
90. My grandmother was the only person who call me Missy.
91. I take my decoration down quickly after a holiday.
92. We still have a VCR and watch old disney movies on it.
93. Would do anything for a my family.
94. Will only fill up my tank in the car half way because I get bored pumping gas.
95. I consider myself low maintenance kind of gal.
96. I wear make up probably once or twice a month.
97. I see myself becoming my parents.
98. I think I have a slight case of OCD.
99. Believe that others should try to list 100 things about themselves.
100. I am happy to be done!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Harvest Season
It is harvest time around the world, however here in California when you think Harvest time one word comes to mind WINE!
We were lucky to have a weekend off to head north to Napa and Sonoma Valley to sample some wines and celebrate they end of harvest time. Ashlyn loved the open land and running through the vineyards. We were able to share this experience with Alex and Jolene and some of our neighbors here in Monterey. Of course there was some great wine consumed with friends and family.
Monday, September 29, 2008
From the Redwood Forest to the gulf stream water
Yes, we have fulfilled this song. This weekend we had traveled to Northern California to Humboldt County to take in the great outdoors. The redwoods are very magnificent. You have to see them to believe them, picture can't do them justice, however I did try. We only could stand in awe of these huge trees. There were some that were 370 ft tall, 17 feet in circumference, and 1200-1600 years old. These trees are so tall they have live in three different climates. WOW! It was amazing to see the fallen "giants." They lay on the forest ground. It take approximately 400 years for them to become apart of the floor. There was one that fell in 1991 that was so amazing it was 2000 years old. They fall from wind and rain. It was said that when this tree fell no one was around but the sound travel to nearby town and report something sounding like train and splattered mud over 15 feet up. So there goes that age old question "if a tree falls....yadda yadda" Sorry for the forestry lesson but it is something to pass along. Lastly, the one of the most interesting facts was the seeds of the tree are about a size of a grain of rice and they have the smallest pine cone (about a size of an olive).
This weekend was the first time that we went camping. It was the Ortiona's versus nature and I can say we came out on top. Ashlyn enjoyed camping and didn't mind sharing the space with mom, dad and Bailey (the dog). We got to travel to some quaint towns along the coast. I did see that one sign stated population 50. Ashlyn created great memories she got to hike some trails, roast hotdogs and marshmallows on a campfire. camp under the star (however hard to see them due to the canopy of trees), climb trees, and explore underground tunnels that were just her size. The only event we didn't get to apart in was actually driving through a tree. We had to drive the Tahoe and we were too big to fit through. I guess we have to save something for next time.
It was great to get away for the weekend and take in nature. I am happy to be back were you can find a town with more then a post office and a volunteer fire department. But I now look at our tree and just keep think of the wonderful beauty of the Redwoods.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Changing Times
ave a missed this last year. I am so glad to have the time to blog and use other sites to make me wake up and see everyone around me is changing. It makes me reflect on my own life. I will keep checking on all of you just keep writing about you and your family. I love change!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Cherish Every Moment
WOW. Another wonderful weekend with family. Papa flew into San Fran on Saturday. Thanks goodness all went well in his travel and we got to spend the rest of the weekend touring the city. We had friends and family around us and we went through the city and enjoyed company away from our house. We love where we live but we also love to get away from it all. A night away can mean so much. For me it is a great day of no cooking, cleaning or worrying about a schedule. However, I always have a schedule on a trip. I am a planner and I always want to fit as much as I can in. So in San Fran we got to go to
I do have to say that all that hustle does make things tricky. After spending some time at the Golden Gate Bridge (where thousand of people were touring) I realized I was missing my purse. I have left it at the place we were taking pictures. I sprinted down to the location to find a nice young couple was trying to contact some one on my phone to let them know they have found my purse. There are people left in
Lastly, there was a Breast Cancer Campaign happening in San Fran last weekend. I got to see thousand of women camping out over night is pink tents and walking around the city to raise money and support the cause. Of course that got me thinking of my friend who currently fighting that battle. I wish her luck in the next few weeks and I can't wait until you are a survivor and we will be getting together to celebrate.
This weekend reminded me that so much can happen is a short period of time. Cherish every moment.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Labor Day
This was a wonderful weekend. We started the weekend with a romatic dinner to celebrate our 7th wedding anniversary. The sadest part was the departure of "Granny." However we had almost 3 weeks of fun. Also this weekend we had "Tito" (Uncle) Alex come visit. This started round 2 of the visitors. Our neighborhood hosted the first annual Labor Day Luau, I believe there will be more in the future. Monday we spent the morning at Carmel eating an outdoor break
Monday, August 25, 2008
Family Visits
Lately we have been blessed to have family visiting. We will continue to have family coming until mid - September. Ashlyn has been able to reconnect with her extended family and enjoy many different adventures with them. We had the opportunity to visit the aquarium, the beach, Elkhorn
Thursday, July 31, 2008
The "Joys" of Military Life
As with every Summer the military movers get a lot of business. This year is no different. We have seen our share of moving trucks come and go, however, this year the mover were right outside my window. Yes our neighbors moved! It is always hard to say goodbye but it really hit home with the kids having to say goodbye to a good friend. Maggie was a great friend to Ashlyn. The kids didn't seem to understand what the goodbyes were all about. But as for Nicki and I we knew that the chance of us really meeting up again are slim. There were tears shared among friends and hopes that some day our paths will meet again. It was a twist of fate that we were neighbors here. We were friends in Hawaii and last year they became our neighbors. The girls were always playing together running from one door to the next. Nothing is sweeter then the laughter of the two girls playing. I am sure Ashlyn won't remember this time but I think of all the other goodbyes she will remember but of course the military family depends heavily on the memories and hopefully those will be of all the good times and places we have visited. The pictures are the our farewell outing with Nicki and pictures of the girls.
On the same day, I got word from another military spouse that she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She is of course many miles away and I couldn't be there to comfort her. It was great to see all the response of military families wishing her well in her journey back to good health. This made me realize that miles can't separated friends that we meet along the way.
So yes the military life is hard but we are stronger because of it and we have learned different way to cope.
Summer Time is going by fast!
Summer is fading fast and we have been out every chance we get. Monterey never really has a summer. The hottest we have seen here is in the upper 70's and most days can range from 50-60's. So yes we have to keep a sweater handy even in the summer. However, just 30 minutes away the summers are very warm. We have recently visited a amusement park in Gilroy where the temperature topped out at 95 degrees.
Last weekend it was a nice day so all the neighbor got the kids in their swim suits and we have a water fun day out on our front lawn not to mention the last moment BBQ. We always have to have food ready in this neighborhood. Lastly we are getting ready for the August. Ashlyn will start Pre-School in mid-August. Then we will be enjoying the company of my family soon.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Big Sur Fires
I know the Big Sur Fires have gotten a lot of attention for the national media. Big Sur is about 20 miles from our house and it very disheartening that this beautiful area is suffering from the blaze. Currently we are not in an evacuation zone but we are feeling the effects of the fires. Daily we watch the black smoke fill our skies, white flumes of
We have been fortunate that we have been able to hike the areas that are now engulfed by the flames. I wanted to share some of the pictures from our hike this spring to let you experience the beauty and marvel for Big Sur. Please pray for the fire fighters and national guard that are working day in and out to contain these fires.
4th Of July
We hope that everyone had a great 4th of July. We got to enjoy beautiful weather here in Monterey. The neighborhood got together to throw a party which include a bike parade and bounce house which started at 1030 and didn't end until the fireworks ended around 2200. We have a full day of fun. Check out Ashlyn riding her bike without training wheels.
I saw a t-shirt yesterday and it made me stop (remember we are Army!!); the front read Got Freedom? and the back stated "Thank the U.S. Army." It made me take a moment and think while we celebrate the 4th there are hundreds of thousand solider defending our freedom. Thank you and God Speed.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Vacation 2008
We are happy to announce that we made it through our first non-American vacation. Of course, the adventure started when we had to get Ashlyn a passport. She was so proud to show it off to the ticket ladies to get on the airplane. We have a great trip down to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. We arrived in darkness so Ashlyn didn't see the 3 pools plus the lazy river around the hotel but boy to her surprise the next morning when we woke up. From then on she was in the pool by 10am each morning and remain there until about 6'ish each night (except for a 2 hour nap -- more like she passed out). Ashlyn really improved on her swimming. She will now jump in and swim about 10 feet without any assistance. This gave Chris and I more time to order food and drinks for the aqua bar and to work on our tan. We did get to go into the city twice and enjoying shopping and some local site seeing. Each night at the hotel there was local entertainment. Ashlyn loved to dance to the music. Everyone on the resort knew her as the "dancing girl." Lastly, we were able to enjoy some animal life on our resort there were at least 4 iguanas, 2 peacocks and 2 baby peacocks, in addition to the 2 all white peacocks. There was a few cats that hung out at the pool each day which of course made us miss our four legged creatures here at home. So we were sad to have to leave beautiful weather and how Ashlyn would say "her new home" but the difficulties in the airport made us happy to finally make it home.
Enjoy the pictures from our vacation and I highly recommend a nice relaxing vacation to each of you.
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About Me
- The Ortiona's
- Chris, Melissa and Ashlyn are currently residing in Herndon, VA. Melissa is working full time as a RN. Ashlyn well she is growing up so fast she is over 45years old and involved in many activities such as swimming, gymnastics, etc.