Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Cherish Every Moment

WOW. Another wonderful weekend with family. Papa flew into San Fran on Saturday. Thanks goodness all went well in his travel and we got to spend the rest of the weekend touring the city. We had friends and family around us and we went through the city and enjoyed company away from our house. We love where we live but we also love to get away from it all. A night away can mean so much. For me it is a great day of no cooking, cleaning or worrying about a schedule. However, I always have a schedule on a trip. I am a planner and I always want to fit as much as I can in. So in San Fran we got to go to the zoo, take pictures at the Golden Gate Bridge (and even take a short walk on the bridge), enjoy dinner in the city, explore China Town and Pier 39, and of course ride the cable cars.
I do have to say that all that hustle does make things tricky. After spending some time at the Golden Gate Bridge (where thousand of people were touring) I realized I was missing my purse. I have left it at the place we were taking pictures. I sprinted down to the location to find a nice young couple was trying to contact some one on my phone to let them know they have found my purse. There are people left in this world who care. I had no words for them other then THANK YOU. This really got me to think....I had to "pay it forward." I remember a speaker I saw once who was talking about doing something for someone you do not know "random acts of kindness." So we did. I do hope that this act will continue on. This is a great disadvantage because you will never know how it will turn out and if the act continued. I do have faith and hope that it will.
Lastly, there was a Breast Cancer Campaign happening in San Fran last weekend. I got to see thousand of women camping out over night is pink tents and walking around the city to raise money and support the cause. Of course that got me thinking of my friend who currently fighting that battle. I wish her luck in the next few weeks and I can't wait until you are a survivor and we will be getting together to celebrate.
This weekend reminded me that so much can happen is a short period of time. Cherish every moment.


Kelly M said...

You have the best pictures!! It looks like yall had a great time and I'm so glad you found your purse!!!

About Me

Chris, Melissa and Ashlyn are currently residing in Herndon, VA. Melissa is working full time as a RN. Ashlyn well she is growing up so fast she is over 45years old and involved in many activities such as swimming, gymnastics, etc.